If you are preparing to visit a Connecticut senior loved one, knowing the warning signs that indicate they might need a little extra help is important. Equally important is knowing what to do if you suspect your aging parent is struggling to safely maintain their independence.
Signs a Senior Loved One Needs Extra Support
When you visit your senior loved one, the number one thing to be on the lookout for is signs of significant change. Specifically, try to evaluate:
- If they have unintentionally lost or gained too much weight. It can be a sign of poor nutrition and even malnutrition.
- How well they are managing personal hygiene. Are they looking a little untidy? Is their hair disheveled or is their clothing a little unkempt?
- Do they seem to have become overly sedentary? Is it because they are afraid of falling or are they having trouble walking?
- Does it seem like they have a hard time carrying on a conversation? Do you have to repeat questions you ask them several times?
- Are there more than a few expired foods in the refrigerator? What foods are they eating on a regular basis?
- Do they seem to be struggling to manage their finances? Are they receiving calls from creditors about unpaid bills? Are there stacks of unopened mail around the house?
- Has their disposition changed? Are they more agitated? More tearful?
- Are they sleeping more or less than is typical of them? Do you hear them up roaming the house during the night?
- How is the condition of their car? Does it seem as if there are more bumps and scratches than are normal?
- Are they staying on track with their medications? Taking the right dose at the right time?
- Are they more forgetful? Are they more easily confused?
- Do they seem to be misplacing things such as their glasses, car keys or wallet? Are the items gone for good or turning up in odd places?
- Do they have difficulty recalling people’s names or the names of familiar things?
Does Your Senior Need Help at Home?
Witnessing more than one or two of these behaviors in an aging loved one might be a sign they need additional help.
When You Suspect an Aging Parent Needs More Help
First, unless you feel like they are in immediate danger, don’t panic. Begin by helping them schedule a check-up with their physician. There are health conditions such as a bladder infection or a vitamin B12 deficiency that can cause some of these symptoms. Some can be treated fairly easily with a visit to their primary care physician.
Next, we suggest you make a list of all of the activities of daily living and the tasks around the house your loved one is having problems with on a daily and weekly basis. Your list will help you identify what kind of elder care your family member needs.
Finally, educate yourself on local senior care options in CT and tech products that can help. For example, if your Connecticut senior is getting their medications mixed up, a medication management system that works with wireless technology to send reminders to them can be a solution. Or if you are concerned they may fall and not be able to call for help, mobile emergency response devices can help keep them connected to emergency services should the need arise.
Assisted Living Services can help you assess and manage care for your senior loved one. Please contact me or a staff member at 203-634-8668 to discuss elder care for your CT family member.