Assisted Living Services, Inc. solely provides nonmedical care

Tribute Page

Animal Assisted Therapy

This service is not currently available and has been prohibited by the Department of Consumer Protection. Upon our current Golden Retriever obtaining certification from PetPartners we will offer the service as emotional support animal visits (and not Animal Assisted Therapy) complimentary to our clients – many of whom suffer from dementia, loneliness, PTSD, or other disabilities.

As many of you know our beloved Sonny passed away peacefully in our arms on October 9, 2017. He was an extraordinary friend who made more people smile and feel good in his 5 years on earth than most humans can in a lifetime. Let’s try to remember the special things he did and appreciate that he was the only Pet Partners Therapy Animal providing home care in Connecticut — perhaps one of only a few in the country.

We decided to leave this Therapy Animal page on our website as a dedication to him, please check out the heartwarming videos on this site and you will be amazed. If you would like to make a donation in honor or memory of Sonny D’Aquila please go to

Although this complimentary service is suspended, we know in our hearts we were doing something good to help others and are grateful for the opportunity.

Sharon D’Aquila
Owner / Pet Partners Handler

Animal Assisted Therapy

Assisted Living Services, Inc. offers complimentary animal assisted therapy to its homecare clients. Sonny is our amazing Golden Retriever who is a Registered Therapy Animal. On home visits he is accompanied by Sharon and/or Ron D’Aquila, owners of Assisted Living Services and Registered Pet Partner Handlers.

Sonny 1

Assisted Living Services is one of only a few home care agencies in the United States to offer animal assisted therapy, which is usually limited to facilities such as nursing homes. It is just one of the many services that sets us apart.

Some of the activities done during home visits with Sonny include going for a short walk, giving Sonny treats, and petting or brushing Sonny. Overall, the animal assisted therapy visits provide positive physical, emotional, and psychological benefits to the elderly, such as:

  • Lowering blood pressure and heart rate
  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Improving mood, depression and loneliness
  • Increasing social interaction
  • Increasing appetite and adherence to medical regime
Videos featuring Sonny visiting our clients.

Sonny has completed extensive training and obedience courses followed by extensive course and handling work through Pet Partners (formerly known as Delta Society) that have enabled him to become a Registered Therapy Animal.

Sonny will be bathed and well groomed prior to each visit. He has complete veterinary records/immunizations, and is fully insured.

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Assisted Living Home Care Services. Care that goes above and beyond, so you can too.