Assisted Living Services, Inc. solely provides nonmedical care
Home Care Services

Memory Care Resources (CHCPE)

Established in 1996, Assisted Living Services, Inc. provides quality in-home senior care services and home care to clients and their families throughout Connecticut.
Connecticut Memory Care Resources

Our staff and caregivers take great pride in going above and beyond for the seniors and families they care for, providing a broad range of home care services to clients in 50+ townships in Connecticut.

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Als 27
90% of Assisted Living Services Clients Have Some Degree of Dementia

More than 5 million people in the United States are currently diagnosed with having dementia. 60% of women and 10% of men past the age of 55 will develop a form of the disease. Our care services have evolved over the years to meet the needs of this growing population. 

Adult Family Living Program

Coordinated by Mary Scagliarini, a registered nurse and certified Dementia Care Practitioner (CDP), our adult family living program provides support to family members caring for a loved one. We work with Title 19 (Medicaid) funded clients and clients on the CT Homecare Program for Elders.
Assisted Living Services provides oversight for the in-home care provided by a family member. Oversight includes:

  • Ensuring the home is safe
  • Paying the provided stipend to the provider
  • Being a resource for questions and support
What does Certified Dementia Care Practitioners (CDP) mean?

The CDP certification is administered through the National Council of Certified Dementia Care Practitioners. The CDP® certification represents that the front line staff and health care professional has received comprehensive knowledge in the area of dementia care, achievement in completing the Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care course/seminar, met the NCCDP requirements for CDP® certification, applied for the CDP® certification and received the CDP® certification. The CDP® commits to ongoing professional development through NCCDP Staff Education Week or other educational opportunities and re-certification every two years.

Assisted Living Services staff members who are Certified Dementia Care Practitioners (CDP):

  • Nicholas D’Aquila – Director of Information Systems
  • Mario D’Aquila – Chief Operating Officer
  • Mary Scagliarini, RN – Director of Adult Family Living
  • Lynne Schmidt – Director of Hourly Services & Marketing
  • Tom Daly – Director Live-in Department
  • Kristin Mercadante –  Service Coordinator & Branch Manager
  • Tina Carbone – Hourly Service Coordinator & Department Manager
  • John-Paul Mayhew – Supervisor of Technology Services

If you’re looking for additional resources, we have written many articles regarding Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Memory care in our blog. We hope you find helpful resources for yourself and loved one.

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Frequenty Asked Questions Regarding Memory Care Resources

A: Most of our upper management already have their CDP and if they don’t, they are currently working toward certification. This certification allows us to better recognize the needs of our clients and place our caregivers appropriately.

A: Because we are a contracted provider of the CT Homecare Program for Elders all staff, beginning at orientation, take Alzheimer’s/dementia care training. Anyone placed in a memory care setting will have this basic training, but most of our in-home staff have previous experience.

A: Our biggest asset is our experience in memory care issues. We are a resource; if you have questions, contact us. Once you are a client you can call us for information and eliminate hours of research. We also provide day-to-day management, allowing a strong care plan to be in place and implemented.

A: Yes, if the client qualifies for Medicaid they may be eligible for the CT Homecare Program for Elders. This program can benefit those with cognitive disabilities and memory impairment brought on by Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease and other dementia related disorders. As a credentialed provider for the CT Homecare Program for Elders (Medicaid Waiver Program), we can provide services to clients who are on this program.

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Get a free in-home consultation anywhere in Connecticut
Contact us to receive an in-home consultation from one of our experienced care coordinators. We will meet with you and your loved ones and develop a customized care plan that best suites your homecare needs.