Connecticut Nursing Home Residents Can Get Home Care Instead.
The main goal of Connecticut’s “Money Follows The Person” (MFP) Program is to transition several thousand elderly and disabled individuals from institutional care – primarily in Skilled Nursing Facilities – back into private homes and apartments in the community – providing maximum independence and freedom of choice about where they live and receive services.
According to Governor Dannel Malloy’s office, “The expansion of the ‘Money Follows the Person’ (MFP) program combines cost-effectiveness with improved quality of life for individuals who can live on their own with support services.”
Assisted Living Services, Inc. – our Connecticut-based home care agency – has been a non-medical home care provider for many of these patients and we believe the Program is working quite well to meet the needs of residents in our state. As with anything new it will take a quality improvement process to evaluate feedback, address problem areas, institute new changes, and measure results to make these transitions even smoother.
How Do People Qualify For “Money Follows The Person?”
To qualify, the person must:
- Be eligible for Medicaid in the Community
- Have lived in a nursing home for more than 6 months
- Be interested in living in the community
- Be eligible for one of the community service packages
What Services Are Available Under The Program?
Program Services Include:
- Transition Services and Support
- Housing Support
- Individualized Care Plans
- Emergency Back-Up Services
5 Responses
My husband has been in a nursing home for over six months and they keep promising him a apartment in the nursing home and he had no where to go. How long does it takes and what should he do?
I’m in a nursing home and told once my INS is finished pay for my care i have to pay out of my Social Security check .I’ll get $60.00 of said $$ to spend. Not excepted.. I don’t have know place to go at this point in time.I can’t walk up the stairs, I need help.can someone please help me?
I stayed in the Nursing home or Rehab Facility for 9 months from September 2019 until April 24, 2020. I stayed in there approximately 5 or 6 weeks the last time I was in the Windsor Rehab Facility. I do not have my own Apartment, condo or house to live in, although I have lived in all indepently. Yet, MFTP was never mentioned to me as as option. My question is why not. I brought it up to Christine Thornton the Social Worker at Windsor Rehab, Windsor CT.,because it was brought to my attention by an acquaintance. Thank you for looking into this.
MFTP only sends you list of people that “might” take you on and advocate for you. Now they say they have better connections than MFTP to possibly find somewhere to live. The only thing they did for me was have a few bags of groceries for me. Everything else is just emails with “resources” that don’t even apply to you. Than calling people from a list and hearing, we don’t do that! UGHH. They said my time with the program is ending soon. 10 months. I had to ask my assigned worker…So what does that mean for me? I got groceries and emails telling me to call someone else for help. I have been doing everything on my own and there was a reason I was in the nursing home. I became handicapped and had an ostomy bag. Which I had to do on my own even in the nursing home. I had to find a surgeon able to reverse it all on my own. Thank god for him! But if I could do it over I think I wouldn’t do the surgery and remained terminal. There would be an end in sight at least.
I want to know why my neighbor uner forty was in a rehab for four months how did see get mfp she had a place to go I don’t get it. There is something wrong with this picture I guys got scammed