That’s right! “Sunny” is a beautiful AKC Registered Golden Retriever puppy just aquired by the owners of Assisted Living Services, Inc. with the intent to utilize him as a Certified Therapy Dog for their elderly customers. We know he has a little growing up to do, but after a series of specialized training classes in his first year and then an 8 week Therapy Dog Course we expect great things from this little guy. Sunny has several aunts and uncles that are Therapy Dogs and even more that have been Champion Show Dogs. The Agency looks forward to developing a “Home Visit Program” with the consent of it’s clients. It has been demonstrated that Therapy Dogs can help people “feel better,” bring a sense of happiness into a home, and reduce stress and lonliness. We love our customers! We know they will love a visit from Sunny!

Tips For Returning To Work After COVID-19
As states begin to open and quarantine orders are changing, it’s time to start to think about what life will look like as we return to work. The shift in routines, or the recent lack of for some, can have an impact on your physical and mental health. We’ve put together a few tips to try and help you and your family start to adjust to new routines. Print, save and share this infographic or use our form below to