For years Raymond lived in group homes and was supervised by the staff of the Meriden – Wallingford ARC which is funded by the Connecticut Department of Developmental Services. Pam Fields, the Executive Director of ARC, approached Assisted Living Technologies, Inc. with a question – “How can we help Ray live independently and safely?”
Doing this would make Ray happy, and save the State of Connecticut a significant amount of money annually. This was really quite visionary and forward thinking of Pam. After talking with her and her management staff about Ray’s situation and the various technologies we offer, we implemented the following In-Home Technology Plan in the apartment Ray was moving into:
Remote Monitoring System
We installed a Remote Monitoring System from BeClose with a base station and several motion and contact sensors to make sure Ray could get help when he needed it. BeClose also recognizes when Ray needs assistance, incase he’s not able to call for help himself. For example, if the entry door is opened in the middle of the night, our call center and Ray’s counselor would be contacted.
Kitchen Safety System
Because Ray loves to cook, we installed a device on his stove called CookStop. This device uses a motion sensor, timers, and settings to help him cook safely and reduce the risk of a fire.
Medication Reminder System
It is also important that Ray take his medications properly, so we installed a MedMinder automated medication dispenser. This lockable device sends Ray an audible and visual reminder to take his medications when required, and if he doesn’t, a call center will send Ray and his counselor a message. Ray’s caregivers can also visit a secured web portal to make changes in his medication schedule or review his compliance.
Video Conferencing System
Finally, it was important for Ray and his counselor to “stay connected,” so we installed equipment which allows for easy Video Communication. This tool makes him feel like his counselor is right there with him! Ray uses it regularly and enjoys the “Video Visits.”
As you can see by this article on the front page of the Meriden Record-Journal, this was Raymond’s best Christmas because he was living independently in his own apartment. It made for a wonderful Holiday for all of us at Assisted Living Technologies, Inc. to know that we helped make this happen.
On a fiscal note: we helped save the State of Connecticut $50,000 annually for this one client, and we can implement our technologies for less than $10 per day!
Assisted Living Technologies, Inc. has been able to take the most advanced, wireless technologies available and make them work in synergy together to enhance the lives of seniors and individuals with disabilities living in private homes or community based settings.
We are the first business of it’s type in Connecticut – and quite possibly the country to do this and we are very proud!