Assisted Living Services, Inc. solely provides nonmedical care

Assisted Living Services CT Receives High Ratings From Clients

Assisted Living Services CT places the highest priority on customer satisfaction. To gauge how we are doing we conduct a client satisfaction survey every quarter. The survey asks clients to rate us in several categories:

  • Caregivers: Caring, courteous, professional
  • Quality of care: Met expectations
  • Staff: Reliable and punctual
  • Management: Available, responsive and efficient
  • Overall: Recommend our services

In our most recent survey, 92 percent of clients rated us “excellent” in all categories. While we are pleased with our consistent high ratings, we continue to evaluate our services and caregivers. We are constantly looking for ways to better serve our clients, whether it’s caregiver training or new technology, our goal is to deliver the best home care in CT. Below are the survey results.

2015 Q2 Customer Sat

Assisted Living Services CT rewards thousands of dollars each year to employees who go “above and beyond” or who have perfect attendance. Managers also receive incentives if benchmarks are achieved on our quarterly customer satisfaction surveys.

Thank you for your participation in the survey! We value your feedback. As always, don’t hesitate to call the office if you have any questions or concerns. (203) 634 8668

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Economic Impact Payments Fraud and What To Watch For

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